Flipkart is hosting ‘Festive Dhamaka Days’ sale on its platform from October 5 to October 8. During the sale, it will be offering deals and discounts on products across various categories including mobiles, TVs and appliances, electronics, furniture, and more. People who purchase products using Axis Bank credit and debit cards will get an extra 10 per cent cashback. As for smartphones, a couple of exchange offers, discounts and flash sales are listed on the website on devices from Lenovo, Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, Motorola, and Oppo
Samsung Galaxy S7 will be available at Rs 30,990 instead of Rs 46,000. Users will get an extra Rs 3,000 off on exchange. This is a pretty good deal considering S7 is a just a year old flagship smartphone. Samsung On 5 and On7 will be available at Rs 5,990 and Rs 6,590 respectively. The two smartphone were originally priced at Rs 8,990 and Rs 8,490 respectively. Samsung On Max gets Rs 1,000 off and will be available for Rs 15,900. An extra Rs 2,000 off over regular exchange value is also listed.Moto E4 Plus, which was launched at Rs 9,999 in India, can be bought at Rs 9,599 during the sale. Moto G5 Plus and Moto C Plus will be up for grabs at Rs 12,999 and Rs 5,999 respectively. Moto G5 Plus is originally priced at Rs 16,999 while Moto C Plus was unveiled at Rs 6,999. Moto Z Play and Moto Z2 Play will get huge discounts, and they will be available at Rs 21,999 and Rs 24,999 respectively. Moto Z (4GB), which was originally priced at Rs 39,999, will be up for sale at Rs 19,999.
